Sunday, May 25, 2008

Davis High Class of '98 Now!

Daniel Henderson
Daniel Henderson here! It's fun to read about everyone here. After graduating, I spent one year in Baton Rouge, Louisiana studying jazz trumpet at LSU before serving a mission to North Carolina. I finished my degree at BYU and married Michelle, who is from Seattle, WA (and is a yummy but dangerous pirate, as shown above).

We moved to Boston, MA, three years ago to do my Master's degree in jazz composition at the New England Conservatory of Music. We love Boston! Here, we had our boy Logan, who is now two. We're living in Boston for a couple more years while I stay at the Conservatory to work on my Doctorate degree in jazz composition, and to do a Teaching Fellowship at Harvard University (teaching jazz history). I'm also having fun playing my trumpet and singing with lots of jazz bands around Boston. We live close to the beach and downtown, so we love exploring the city and learning its history. I hope to be in touch with old friends soon!


Maria said...


That is amazing! You must be a fantastic trumpeter. Do you have a CD or something like that?! Congratulations on all your success!

Maria Watkins Phippen

Maria said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Maria!

Thanks. I should be done with my first CD in about one month, called "Penguins." It's a CD of all of my big band compositions so far. So, no CDs of my trumpet playing yet, but this one should be very fun.

Kristy said...

Hey Daniel-
I laughed a little inside when I saw your picture, you haven't changed a day since I last saw you. Congrats on all your exciting-and deserved success.

Maria said...

Hi Daniel,

Let me know when its out. I would love to hear it!


Unknown said...


Fellow trumpet/blood brother! It's been forever, hope you got my wedding invite couple years back, but I knew you were back East living your dream--that's awesome!

It's so cool to see pics of you, And read comments here of your CD, we need to get in touch so I can hear and all that, and tell me when you're back in Utah ever.