Sunday, June 29, 2008

Davis High Class of '98 Now!

Joshua Heath
Wow, ten years has just flown by. After graduation I left on a mission to Peru, then to Illinois with a brief intermission between the two for knee surgery. After the mission, fate introduced me to my wonderful wife DeLanie (also a DHS graduate, class of '97). A few years later I graduated from the University of Utah where I studied public relations and photojournalism.

After college we eventually ended up moving to Washington D.C. where I work for a public/government relations firm. I really enjoy helping people with good ideas have a chance at getting their voices heard. DeLanie, has her hands full taking care of our two year old son Mitchell and keeping me on track. I don't know what I would do without her to keep me together.

Whenever we find ourselves with some free time to spare, we usually spend it trail riding (the Virginia equivalent to mountain biking), or visiting historic sites as a family.

I hope everyone is doing well. You can always get a hold of me at

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