Sunday, March 30, 2008

Davis High Class of '98 Now!

Minnette (Peterson) Marston
After Davis High, I went to Rick's College (BYU Idaho). Where I met and
married my wonderful husband Nick Marston and received my Associates
Degree in Arts and Science- just a few days before having my first son.
(I was quite a sight waddling nine months pregnant in my graduation robes
to receive my diploma. But I made it!) After that Nick finished up his
degree and we moved to Logan where he received his Bachelors from USU in
Landscape Construction. We are now settled in West Kaysville where Nick
works for Greene's Inc., managing their landscape construction division,
and I am lucky enough to be a stay at home mom where I get to raise my
two adorable boys; Taden (6) and Teancum (2) and am expecting our first
girl the first week of April! Our favorite pastime is laughing with our
hilarious boys and enjoying the crazy moments that life has to offer.


Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Minnette!! Email me! Your family is so cute! Do you have a website?

Four Winns said...

Minnette! Your kids are adorable! It's great to hear from you.

Minnette said...

We had our baby girl on April 4th we are so excited she is here!

kitty said...


Congrats on your baby girl!! I suppose someone has already warned you about the female tantrums that hit immediately? It's a good thing girls are so cute (thanks to department stores for stalking really cute clothes too) because they can sure be an emotional handful. Good Luck. It's great to see you and your beautiful family - sorry it took me so long to reply (my computer has been so full of viruses I can only get on for a few moments at a time) I know, time for a new one!! Anyway, enjoy that sweet baby and have a great summer. BTW - hows your mom doing? She sure did a lot to help my mom get through some rough years. (many thanks) See you
