Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Davis High Class of '98 Now!

Marge (Caputo) Wheeler
It seems incomprehensible to me that ten years of my life have passed, especially ten year since I was in high school. Where did ALL that time go? After graduating from DHS I went to college for two years at Westminster in Salt Lake City. I married my high school sweet heart, Chris Wheeler (DHS Alum '96), and we lived in Ogden for a little over a year. At which time we moved with his job (AOL) to Northern Virginia. We had a great time making new friends and going to visit many historic sites. If you haven't already done so make a trip back east with your family and discover the history of America. We returned to Davis County, Woods Cross, about 4 years ago and we love being close to our friends and family. Our little family loves to camp (we have a trailer so I don't really count it as camping) and go on long four wheeler rides. I keep busy working part time at State Farm Insurance, taking care of our 16 month old daughter Elizabeth, playing on recreational volleyball and basketball teams and watching movies with my husband. I love to learn to do new things, while on bed rest during pregnancy I taught myself how to crochet (ladies if Marge Caputo can do it, then so can you!). I'm excited to get to see everyone that is able to make it to the reunion and want to give a BIG shout out to the senior officers and committee for doing such a great job of getting the word out to as many people as possible in advance. GO DARTS!


Heidi said...

Marge, Marge, Marge...

Marge said...

What, What, What! (like I'm supposed to know which heidi this is, there were only a bajillion in our class!). I know I'm lame, posting on my own blog post but hello some of us have to find creative things to do to kill the last 10 minutes of work on a Friday afternoon.