Friday, July 4, 2008

Davis High Class of '98 Now!

Nick Anderson
After graduating from Davis High, I attended Utah State for a year and then left on my mission to Arequipa, Peru. Upon returning home from my mission, I started school at BYU working towards a degree in Business Management with an emphasis in Finance. I ran my first marathon in 2003 and graduated from BYU in 2004.

After BYU, I moved to Omaha, Nebraska to attend law school at Creighton University.
During my second summer clerkship in Utah, I met my wife Elisa Ward. Elisa had recently returned home from the Brasilia, Brazil mission and had just graduated from BYU in Recreation Management. We were married in December 2006 and we are expecting our first baby (it's a girl !) in September : ) We are so excited!

I graduated from law school in May 2007 and then we packed up and moved to Austin, Texas. We love it here and we're excited to become parents in a couple months. I won't be able to make it to the reunion, but I've enjoyed catching up with ya'll on this blog.


Spencer said...

Hey Nick congradulations to you and your wife on becoming parents. Good job in running and finishing your first marathon. I hope all is well there in Austin, Texas. Take care.

sarahbellac said...

Nick - congrats on the baby-to-be...and the marriage! Hope life is treating you well.
Sarah (Connors) Petersen