Sunday, June 15, 2008

Davis High Class of '98 Now!

Kara (Alexander) Agresta
So what has Kara Alexander-Agresta been doing for the past 10 years? After high school I left the comforts of Utah and headed East. There I attended Merrimack College where I majored in soccer and minored in partying. Along the way I managed to obtain a degree in Sports Medicine. After graduation I traveled throughout Australia for 4 wks, did some research, and then returned back to Boston. I stayed in the Boston area for an additional year to play and work of course, then returned to Utah. I then followed up at the University of Utah to obtain my graduate degree. In the middle of graduate school my husband, Matthew, was lucky enough to have found me! We recently wed this past September on Cape Cod and honeymooned on Nantucket Island. That is why I am posting a wedding picture. I am currently working as a Physicians Assistant in Heart Failure and Transplant at Intermountain Medical Center and my husband is a Family Physician in West Valley. We are very busy with our dog, Alta, who is our pride and joy. She joins us for biking, skiing, running, swimming and camping. Much to our chagrin she also enjoys chewing up our new sprinkler system! Matt and I currently live in SLC and have enjoyed all the outdoor fun to be had. In addition we are frequently visiting the East coast to see friends and family and hope to eventually move back, but for now, we are enjoying what Utah has to offer.

1 comment:

Dallin D. Hutchinson said...

Research in Australia? LOL! I live here in Australia, and I can attest to the fact that there's no better place on earth to do "research."