Monday, June 30, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Jessica (Hewlett) Ridd
A quick sketch about us.... From high school I went to BYU on a scholarship in art. I have been doing illustration and graphic design for BYU and other universities since. I spent a summer helping paint the murals at the dinosaur museum in Lehi which was a lotta fun, (except the time the great white shark sculpture I was painting detached and almost landed on me). Anyways, I am currently illustrating children's books and still teaching skiing, once in a while. Wes, (DHS '97) served a mission in Guatemala. We were married in Dec. of 2000. We went back to visit guatemala, where I earned a great respect for missionaries and the work they do.
I graduated in '02, then we moved back to Kaysville. Wes graduated from LDSBC and also earned his General Contracting license. He is currently doing remodels, and training for a 50 mile mountain race next year and mountain triathlons. Our greatest joy comes from our two little boys which we are so privelidged to have. Not a day goes by that I don't laugh hard at something they say or do. There is truly nothing better than spending time with our family.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Joshua Heath
Wow, ten years has just flown by. After graduation I left on a mission to Peru, then to Illinois with a brief intermission between the two for knee surgery. After the mission, fate introduced me to my wonderful wife DeLanie (also a DHS graduate, class of '97). A few years later I graduated from the University of Utah where I studied public relations and photojournalism.
After college we eventually ended up moving to Washington D.C. where I work for a public/government relations firm. I really enjoy helping people with good ideas have a chance at getting their voices heard. DeLanie, has her hands full taking care of our two year old son Mitchell and keeping me on track. I don't know what I would do without her to keep me together.
Whenever we find ourselves with some free time to spare, we usually spend it trail riding (the Virginia equivalent to mountain biking), or visiting historic sites as a family.
I hope everyone is doing well. You can always get a hold of me at
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Camille Reynolds
Jennifer Ripple
Cheryl Robertson
Ariann Rogers
Coty Romero
Kristina Rosser
Ryan Rumfallo
Emi Rushton
Esin Sahin
Xitlatic Salvador
Lara Scadded
Janell Schafermeyer
Jacob Sharton
Nicole Scoffield
Allison Sedgwick
Matthew Shaw
Adam Shepard
Sarah Shunn
Clara Siguenza
Cathryn Silver
Michael Sizemore
Jolene Smart
Abraham Smith
Andrea Smith
Emilee Smith
Jamie Smith
Katie Smith
Robert Smith
Megan Smock
Tennille Solt
Adam Spencer
Paul Spencer
Natasha Speth
Mark Squires
Lex Stanger
Lynsey Steadman
Ryan Stebbing
Jon Stephenson
Garrett Stettler
Brandon Stoddard
Jessica Tanner
Tai Tenhoeve
Amanda Thomason
Aaron Thornock
Jill Tibbits
Stephanie Tilley
Brian Tingey
Robyn Tingey
Heidi Tippits
Jenny Toolson
Robby Torres
Traci Treadwell
Emily Tueller
Patricia Turner
Natania Tuttle
Aaron Udink
Chelsea Van Noy
Braden Vance
John Vanderschaff
Nathan Vanzweden
Elisa Vasquez
Julie Wainscott
Lynsey Walker
Scott Waltz
Michael Waters
Stacie Watts
Paul Webb
Shane Webb
Cherrilyn Webster
Bryce Weir
Branson West
Nicholas wEstover
Lindsay Wheelwright
Allen Whitaker
Michael Whitney
Daniel Widdison
Matthew Willey
Amber Williams
Russell Williams
Holly Winget
Lisa Winterton
Aaron Wood
Dustin Wood
Nichole Wood
Spencer Wood
Tommy Wood
Mark Yamamoto
Britney Yates
Brooks Yates
Eric Young
Morgan young
Rachel Zweifel
Jennifer Ripple
Cheryl Robertson
Ariann Rogers
Coty Romero
Kristina Rosser
Ryan Rumfallo
Emi Rushton
Esin Sahin
Xitlatic Salvador
Lara Scadded
Janell Schafermeyer
Jacob Sharton
Nicole Scoffield
Allison Sedgwick
Matthew Shaw
Adam Shepard
Sarah Shunn
Clara Siguenza
Cathryn Silver
Michael Sizemore
Jolene Smart
Abraham Smith
Andrea Smith
Emilee Smith
Jamie Smith
Katie Smith
Robert Smith
Megan Smock
Tennille Solt
Adam Spencer
Paul Spencer
Natasha Speth
Mark Squires
Lex Stanger
Lynsey Steadman
Ryan Stebbing
Jon Stephenson
Garrett Stettler
Brandon Stoddard
Jessica Tanner
Tai Tenhoeve
Amanda Thomason
Aaron Thornock
Jill Tibbits
Stephanie Tilley
Brian Tingey
Robyn Tingey
Heidi Tippits
Jenny Toolson
Robby Torres
Traci Treadwell
Emily Tueller
Patricia Turner
Natania Tuttle
Aaron Udink
Chelsea Van Noy
Braden Vance
John Vanderschaff
Nathan Vanzweden
Elisa Vasquez
Julie Wainscott
Lynsey Walker
Scott Waltz
Michael Waters
Stacie Watts
Paul Webb
Shane Webb
Cherrilyn Webster
Bryce Weir
Branson West
Nicholas wEstover
Lindsay Wheelwright
Allen Whitaker
Michael Whitney
Daniel Widdison
Matthew Willey
Amber Williams
Russell Williams
Holly Winget
Lisa Winterton
Aaron Wood
Dustin Wood
Nichole Wood
Spencer Wood
Tommy Wood
Mark Yamamoto
Britney Yates
Brooks Yates
Eric Young
Morgan young
Rachel Zweifel
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Angie (Nelson) Stokes
Wow, I can’t believe it’s been ten years already. Where does the time go? Looking back, it doesn’t seem like it was so long ago we were getting ready to graduate and head into the real world. Now we’re in the real world, sometimes wishing we could go back! Well, for me, life started almost right away. I met my husband-to-be during our senior year, though he graduated from Davis in ’93. About six months after graduation we were engaged, and in April of ’99 we got married. Two years later we were sealed in the Bountiful Temple. My husband decided to go back to school, so I got a cosmetology license from Fran Brown, and started working in her salon to put him through school. In 2003 we had our son Corben. My husband graduated a month or so later, and we discovered; surprise! We’re having another one! In August of ’03 he commissioned in the Air Force, and two weeks later we were on our way to Eielson Air Force Base Alaska. Almost one year to the day our son was born, we had our daughter Rylissa. We stayed in Alaska (up near Fairbanks, and the Arctic Circle) for three years. We enjoyed the 4 months of endless sunshine each summer, and bundled up in the 8 months of extremely cold and dark winter (-50 anyone?). In 2006 we packed our belongings and passports and moved to our next assignment, Kadena Air Force Base, in Okinawa Japan. We left the extreme cold, to the Japanese version of a tropical island! Shortly after coming here, we decided our family wasn’t big enough, and added our second daughter Tayzia. Tim is currently a Captain for the 67 maintenance wing, and supervises and manages 250 or so men in maintaining 27 F-15C/D Eagles. He is currently working on his master’s degree in International Relations in his hopes to continue to live outside of the US and work as a liaison between foreign countries and the US military.
I get to stay home with our kids, and expand on my many, many, interests. To keep my life interesting, I cut hair for friends out of my home, teach flute lessons, and make and sell girls hair bows. I’m also currently taking classes in the fabulous art of cake decorating. Sadly, I don’t think we’ll be making the journey home for the reunion, though I really wish I could. I would love to see everyone again and catch up. I love to read how everyone is doing, and I hope that I continue to receive news from our friends back home! If you’re ever interested we keep a family page at and we’re always up for visitors!
a few more....
Siolimi Mafua
Sean Major
Susan Manning
Katee Maughan
Brock Mayfield
Benjamin Maynes
Jaclyn McClennan
Garett McFarland
Justin McFarlane
Marie Mckinnon
Jared Miller
Lacey Miller
Steven Miller
Joni Milne
Carolena Moffitt
Jacqulin Moore
Kristie Moore
Nathanial Moore
Joel Morgan
Aaron Morton
Devin Motes
Steven Mott
Bryce Mumford
James Murray
Bryan Nalder
Tyler Nay
Michael Neese
Amy Neff
Angela Nelson
Matthew Nelson
Marci Newhouse
Katherine Nielsen
Megan Nielson
Spencer Olsen
Jonathan Olson
Brent Orme
Rachel Ostler
Michael Ott
Brock Pace
Sara Palmer
Rebekah Pearson
Kristy Perkins
Samuel Perkins
Janae Peterson
Kristy Peterson
Shaun Peterson
Nicholas Pettegrew
Marcella Phillips
Logan Phipps
Ashley Pierce
Misty Pierce
Brady Platt
Michelle Pluin
Travis Poll
Suzanne Porter
Tanja Prince
Kimberly Progress
Tanya Pulham
Daniel Pulley
Daniel Pulsipher
Christopher Quilter
Sarah Randall
John Rasmussen
Eli Rea
Ashlee Reed
Ryan Reese
Sarah Renz
Emily Rey
Sean Major
Susan Manning
Katee Maughan
Brock Mayfield
Benjamin Maynes
Jaclyn McClennan
Garett McFarland
Justin McFarlane
Marie Mckinnon
Jared Miller
Lacey Miller
Steven Miller
Joni Milne
Carolena Moffitt
Jacqulin Moore
Kristie Moore
Nathanial Moore
Joel Morgan
Aaron Morton
Devin Motes
Steven Mott
Bryce Mumford
James Murray
Bryan Nalder
Tyler Nay
Michael Neese
Amy Neff
Angela Nelson
Matthew Nelson
Marci Newhouse
Katherine Nielsen
Megan Nielson
Spencer Olsen
Jonathan Olson
Brent Orme
Rachel Ostler
Michael Ott
Brock Pace
Sara Palmer
Rebekah Pearson
Kristy Perkins
Samuel Perkins
Janae Peterson
Kristy Peterson
Shaun Peterson
Nicholas Pettegrew
Marcella Phillips
Logan Phipps
Ashley Pierce
Misty Pierce
Brady Platt
Michelle Pluin
Travis Poll
Suzanne Porter
Tanja Prince
Kimberly Progress
Tanya Pulham
Daniel Pulley
Daniel Pulsipher
Christopher Quilter
Sarah Randall
John Rasmussen
Eli Rea
Ashlee Reed
Ryan Reese
Sarah Renz
Emily Rey
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Timothy Fowers
Hello everyone. It's great to see everyone's blog and that everyone
is aging gracefully, in fact everyone still looks the same. I for one
still feel like a young buck who could survive the old non air
conditioned Davis High if needed. Speaking of heat, I currently live
in St. George so my wife could thaw out after attending Utah State.
Backing up a little however, I went on a mission to Buenos Aires North
Argentina after High School and had a great mission. My mission
president's wife actually taught at Davis High, her name was Mrs.
Nelson and she taught English. After my mission, I attended Snow
College in the tiny town of Ephraim, where the cool spot to hangout
was Walmart, but I enjoyed it and met my wife Holly there. After I
graduated Snow I finished my Civil Engineering degree at Utah State in
2006. I have worked 2 years as a Civil Engineer desiging
subdivisions, road, trails, and other infastructure projects. It is a
fun profession that involves designing things on the computer and then
watching them be built. My wife works at Golds Gym as a day care
We have two little kids, Emmary and Davis, and are living the american
dream after we bought our townhome. Yes, you may say it is a house
wanna-be, but the payments are for real. We like to enjoy the
outdoors and go camping, fishing, hiking, and swimming.
It's good to hear from all of you and hope to see you at the reuniion
Remember, "never change and keep it real this summer" (as quoted many
times in my yearbook).
More unfound classmates...
Jennifer Holbrook
Alaina Hood
Jennifer Hope
Christian Horrocks
Teresa Horrocks
Alex Hoskins
Amber Housholder
Stephanie Hulse
Kevin Hunt
Dallas Hunter
Jacob Hurst
Van Huynh
Anjanette Jackson
Anthony Jacobsen
Rayanne Jacobsson
Christopher Jensen
Cory Jensen
Heidi Jensen
Lindzie Jeppesen
James Jeppson
Lane Jepson
Kyanna Johansen
Jennifer John
Jessica Johnson
Brooke Johnson
Emily Johnson
Kaila Johnson
Ronnie Jones
Wynter Jones
Kellie Kamarath
Joseph Khoury
Michelle Kimball
David King
April Kinney
Lacy Knight
Korinne Knowlton
Karen Krantz
Heidi Law
Janelle Layman
Matthew Layton
Jerry Lee
Amanda Leonard
Robert Leonard
Matthew Leroy
Kevin Lewis
Stephen Lewis
Jennifer Loosli
Jennifer Love
Rebecca Luck
Raphael Mace
Christopher MacFarlane
Alaina Hood
Jennifer Hope
Christian Horrocks
Teresa Horrocks
Alex Hoskins
Amber Housholder
Stephanie Hulse
Kevin Hunt
Dallas Hunter
Jacob Hurst
Van Huynh
Anjanette Jackson
Anthony Jacobsen
Rayanne Jacobsson
Christopher Jensen
Cory Jensen
Heidi Jensen
Lindzie Jeppesen
James Jeppson
Lane Jepson
Kyanna Johansen
Jennifer John
Jessica Johnson
Brooke Johnson
Emily Johnson
Kaila Johnson
Ronnie Jones
Wynter Jones
Kellie Kamarath
Joseph Khoury
Michelle Kimball
David King
April Kinney
Lacy Knight
Korinne Knowlton
Karen Krantz
Heidi Law
Janelle Layman
Matthew Layton
Jerry Lee
Amanda Leonard
Robert Leonard
Matthew Leroy
Kevin Lewis
Stephen Lewis
Jennifer Loosli
Jennifer Love
Rebecca Luck
Raphael Mace
Christopher MacFarlane
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Sarah (Connors) Petersen
Life has been one great adventure after another (although I still haven't made it out of the country...)!
I spent 4 fun years at Southern Utah University, where I earned my degree in Fine Art. One random night I met my hubby, Dave. His talents, among others, including Western Yodeling and Breakdancing. We were married in 2000.
The next adventure began in 2002 when we moved to Salt Lake City to live in a tiny sky-rise apartment. I attended the University of Utah Medical School, along with such ridiculously smart people as Natalie's husband, Ben (trust me, if you live in New Mexico and get your arm chopped off, you'll want him as your ER doc). In the meantime, Dave (hubby) worked full-time and attended the U full-time, graduating with a BA in Spanish (Felicidades, Dave!).
Life got a whole lot more exciting when Timothy (aka 'Timo') was born in 2003. Since then, my motivation to perform at med school was seriously injured. It's just so much more fun to be a mom!
By some miracle (and that's not an exagerration) I graduated with my MD in 2006. Anna Bella was born during the summer of '06, then we moved to Kansas City, Missouri to start my residency in Pediatrics.
So, here we are, somewhere 'under' the rainbow. Kansas City is great! We enjoy running as a family with our red double jogging stroller, eating s'mores, ballroom dancing, and making ice cream. We almost got totalled by a tornado a month ago. But we're still standing and even enjoying the 'ride.'
Happy Reunion, everyone! Hope your lives are full of joy and peace.
Monday, June 23, 2008
A few more.....please if you know any info, pass it on!
Jared Edwards
Kyle Eggleston
Benjamin Ellis
Hyrum Ence
Tyler Erickson
Michele Erwin
Michael Esquivel
Jennifer Evans
John Evans
Ryan Eyestone
Jeremy Farrell
Bryan Fletcher
Ren Flinders
Brandon Flint
Katie Folson
Ryan Fonnesbeck
Kurtis Fredericks
Tyler Freedman
Andrew Frost
David Gammon
Aaron Gardner
Ana Gardner
Melissa Golden
Emily Gomm
Daniel Goodell
Staci Gough
Jennifer Graham
Mark Gray
Tenille Green
Christel Greer
Brandon Griffin
Benjamin Gunn
Julie Gustafson
Steve Guymon
Cassandra Hacking
Scott Halford
Brandi Hamblin
Rosie Handrahan
Elizabeth Hansen
Megan Hansen
Lesly Harnois
Christine Harrah
Cherilynn Hellewell
Jessica Helm
Christopher Henriksen
Miquel Hesop
Jennifer Hess
Kimberly Higley
Bethany Hill
Corinne Hill
Kyle Eggleston
Benjamin Ellis
Hyrum Ence
Tyler Erickson
Michele Erwin
Michael Esquivel
Jennifer Evans
John Evans
Ryan Eyestone
Jeremy Farrell
Bryan Fletcher
Ren Flinders
Brandon Flint
Katie Folson
Ryan Fonnesbeck
Kurtis Fredericks
Tyler Freedman
Andrew Frost
David Gammon
Aaron Gardner
Ana Gardner
Melissa Golden
Emily Gomm
Daniel Goodell
Staci Gough
Jennifer Graham
Mark Gray
Tenille Green
Christel Greer
Brandon Griffin
Benjamin Gunn
Julie Gustafson
Steve Guymon
Cassandra Hacking
Scott Halford
Brandi Hamblin
Rosie Handrahan
Elizabeth Hansen
Megan Hansen
Lesly Harnois
Christine Harrah
Cherilynn Hellewell
Jessica Helm
Christopher Henriksen
Miquel Hesop
Jennifer Hess
Kimberly Higley
Bethany Hill
Corinne Hill
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Tyler Stevens
After High School I went to Weber State for a year before serving a mission in Italy. My wife Lindsay and I met in a music theory class at Weber State before my mission. We were just friends before my mission but started dating about a year after coming home and we were married 6 months later. After serving in Italy, I sold alarms in Portland and Chicago for three summers to help pay for school. Our first son Drew was born on my birthday in Chicago in 2004. He is now almost 4. After graduating from Weber State in Technical Sales we moved to Las Vegas to work for Pulte Homes. Our son Cameron was born in Vegas and is now 16 months old. We lived there nearly 3 years and never really liked the heat. Last September we decided to move back home and now live in Kaysville. Mat Shaw (also a 98' alumni) and I have been close friends since high school and decided to start up a business together last fall. We own a contingent sales management company that works with builders to manage a moving incentive for contingent buyers. Confusing, I know. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
More unfound classmates...
Alan Crookston
Ricardo Curletto
Isaac Curtis
Tori Cutler
Colby Dalton
Philip Dalton
Richard Daniels
Emily Danielson
Kimberly Darger
Tiffany Davies
Benny Davis
Haven Davis
Sara Davis
Tiffany Dean
Kirralynn Degener
Jennifer Denkers
Nathan Denney
Joshua Denning
Peter Derrick
Sarah Dewitt
Darren Dickson
Jeffrey Dillon
Tiffanie Dixon
Amy Dorius
Stephanie Downs
Natalie Drorbaugh
Courtney Duffin
Casey Durrans
Maleesa Durrant
Debra Edwards
Ricardo Curletto
Isaac Curtis
Tori Cutler
Colby Dalton
Philip Dalton
Richard Daniels
Emily Danielson
Kimberly Darger
Tiffany Davies
Benny Davis
Haven Davis
Sara Davis
Tiffany Dean
Kirralynn Degener
Jennifer Denkers
Nathan Denney
Joshua Denning
Peter Derrick
Sarah Dewitt
Darren Dickson
Jeffrey Dillon
Tiffanie Dixon
Amy Dorius
Stephanie Downs
Natalie Drorbaugh
Courtney Duffin
Casey Durrans
Maleesa Durrant
Debra Edwards
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Kathryn Everton
After graduating from DHS with a year of early college under my belt from good old Weber State, I started on the path to becoming a pharmacist at the University of Utah. After a year of treading the shark-infested waters that is the pre-med/pre-pharmacy experience, I threw in the basic sciences towel and decided I might want to try out a communications major. I failed to develop an interest in public relations and broadcast journalism, but I finally found my niche with print journalism. This was the perfect major for me, and I really enjoyed my classes. Especially the editorial writing classes where I found I had a knack for writing tirades on various political themes. I have never had a problem expressing myself, as my mother will tell you.
Meanwhile, I met my handsome husband, with blue eyes and brown curly hair and the best sense of humor I have ever encountered in a human being. We get along really well because we are both geeks. He was an anesthesiology resident at the University, and the more I heard him talk about his job as a doctor, the more I knew that I would regret it if I didn't at least apply to medical school. Luckily, the University of Utah doesn't mind people who major in writing and take 6 years to complete their BA. I started medical school in 2003, graduated in 2007, and I am just finishing up an internship at the new behemoth Intermountain Medical Center (affectionately known as the Death Star when hospital executives aren't prowling the halls). The highlight of my internship was spending a month in South Africa on a neuropathology rotation. I spent some time working with cadaver brains and went on a weekend safari with my hubby to celebrate our 5th anniversary.
I am moving to North Carolina at the end of June to complete a residency and fellowship in radiology at Duke University Medical Center. Only 5 more years of school! If you ever need somebody to analyze your insides and point out all the weird stuff in your tummy or brain, I'm your girl. Just remember, you never want to be a "really interesting case."
When not working 80 hours a week taking care of all the sweet little old ladies in Utah, my husband, Michael Tielborg, and I enjoy hiking with our two adopted pound puppies (Maggie and Lucy), camping, snowboarding, golfing, traveling and eating really good food wherever we can find it.
Sorry I will be missing the reunion this year. Hope to see you all at our 20th!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
More unfound classmates...
Jeffrey Beagley
Kristal Beecher
Jesse Behling
Stacey Bell
Nicole Belliston
Brooke Belnap
Jeremy Bendt
April Benicosa
Dustin Berrett
Jessica Berrett
Amanda Bessinger
Jeffery Beynon
Ashley Biehn
Brady Bingham
Shawn Bingham
Brandon Bird
Emily Black
Derrick Bradbury
Jared Branham
Melody Brighton
Star Bringhurst
Curtis Brough
Brandon Brown
Clint Brown
Heather Brown
Sheri Brown
Angela Buckley
Scott Burk
Kathryn Burton
Stacy Burton
Lance Butcher
Travis Campbell
Geoffrey Cannon
Christian Carlisle
Cami Carlson
Jemma Carlyle
Jonathan Carver
Robert Cassity
Marianne Cate
Pamela Cheney
Robert Chesley
Derek Child
Emily Christensen
Ryan Christensen
Virginia Christensen
Cory Christiansen
Andrew Clark
Sarah Cohen
Philip Cook
Rachel Cook
Kristal Beecher
Jesse Behling
Stacey Bell
Nicole Belliston
Brooke Belnap
Jeremy Bendt
April Benicosa
Dustin Berrett
Jessica Berrett
Amanda Bessinger
Jeffery Beynon
Ashley Biehn
Brady Bingham
Shawn Bingham
Brandon Bird
Emily Black
Derrick Bradbury
Jared Branham
Melody Brighton
Star Bringhurst
Curtis Brough
Brandon Brown
Clint Brown
Heather Brown
Sheri Brown
Angela Buckley
Scott Burk
Kathryn Burton
Stacy Burton
Lance Butcher
Travis Campbell
Geoffrey Cannon
Christian Carlisle
Cami Carlson
Jemma Carlyle
Jonathan Carver
Robert Cassity
Marianne Cate
Pamela Cheney
Robert Chesley
Derek Child
Emily Christensen
Ryan Christensen
Virginia Christensen
Cory Christiansen
Andrew Clark
Sarah Cohen
Philip Cook
Rachel Cook
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Tara (Mayhue) Larsen
It is so crazy to me that it has been 10 years. It's so fun reading how some of you are doing now, but where are the rest of you? I'm so sad that I lost touch with almost everyone. As for me, after graduation I started attending Weber State. In the summer of 2000 I was set up on a blind Date with Derek Larsen, a Weber High Alum. He had just completed his LDS mission to Chicago (spanish speaking), and was preparing to return for his 2nd year at Ricks College. Our dating and engagement were long distance, he in Idaho, I in Utah. After we both completed our associates degrees in May 2001 we were married in the Bountiful temple. Derek received his Bachelors Degree from Weber State, and was hired by the the LDS Church as a Seminary Teacher in Dec of 2003. I love that my husband is a seminary teacher, it is a fun reminder of old High School days. We moved to the amazing community of Thatcher AZ, where Derek teaches at both Thatcher High, and Pima High Seminaries. Derek also just completed his Masters Degree, and I am blessed to stay at home with our kids. We have two sweet daughters. Holley was born in December of 2002, and will start kindergarten in the fall. Brinley came to our family in September of 2006 and is such a fun 20 month old. My family is my world, and I can't get enough of them. Check out my blog for pictures, and more of what I'm up to. See you in a month!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lost Classmates
We will be posting names of people we have been unable to find contact info for, if you know how to find any of them please email
Amber Allen
Bryce Allen
David Anderson
Leif Anderson
Rebecca Anderson
Sarah Anderson
Phillip Angell
Tommy Arsenault
Laura Asay
Bryan Ashby
Tory Bain
Aaron Baird
Brandon Baker
Nicki Balmer
Kaire Barboza
William Bargar
Morgan Barkdull
Brandon Barlow
Thomas Barlow
Stephanie Barlow
Heather Bass
Raylene Batchelor
Amber Allen
Bryce Allen
David Anderson
Leif Anderson
Rebecca Anderson
Sarah Anderson
Phillip Angell
Tommy Arsenault
Laura Asay
Bryan Ashby
Tory Bain
Aaron Baird
Brandon Baker
Nicki Balmer
Kaire Barboza
William Bargar
Morgan Barkdull
Brandon Barlow
Thomas Barlow
Stephanie Barlow
Heather Bass
Raylene Batchelor
Monday, June 16, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Rorie (Pyper) Gilmore
Hello everyone! I can't believe it has been 10 years. Where does the time go? Well, after high school I attended Weber State starting out in Elementary Ed. I married Steve Gilmore, Davis grad. of '96, in September of '99. We had our first baby born August 23,2000. Her name is Katie and she will be going into the 3rd grade. On December 16, 2002 we had our second baby. His name is Rylan and he will be going into kindergarten. Shortly after Rylan was born Steve graduated from Weber State and was commissioned into the Air Force. We were surprisingly stationed at Hill AFB for 3 years. While we were at Hill I completed my CNA certificate. Shortly after we decided to buy our first house in, yes, Kaysville. Kylie was born on October 21, 2005. We then moved to Colorado Springs, Co. (Schriever AFB) June of 2006, which we are currently living. On January 3, 2008 baby #4, Joshua, was born. I love being a mom even though it is a 24\7 job. I read a news article that said if stay-at-home mothers were to receive a salary, they would be making roughly $120,000 a year. I disagree. I would say that it would be much higher ;). In June Steven will be receiving his MBA. I'm very proud of him, but it is a big stress relief for me. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of you at the reunion. See you in July!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Kara (Alexander) Agresta
So what has Kara Alexander-Agresta been doing for the past 10 years? After high school I left the comforts of Utah and headed East. There I attended Merrimack College where I majored in soccer and minored in partying. Along the way I managed to obtain a degree in Sports Medicine. After graduation I traveled throughout Australia for 4 wks, did some research, and then returned back to Boston. I stayed in the Boston area for an additional year to play and work of course, then returned to Utah. I then followed up at the University of Utah to obtain my graduate degree. In the middle of graduate school my husband, Matthew, was lucky enough to have found me! We recently wed this past September on Cape Cod and honeymooned on Nantucket Island. That is why I am posting a wedding picture. I am currently working as a Physicians Assistant in Heart Failure and Transplant at Intermountain Medical Center and my husband is a Family Physician in West Valley. We are very busy with our dog, Alta, who is our pride and joy. She joins us for biking, skiing, running, swimming and camping. Much to our chagrin she also enjoys chewing up our new sprinkler system! Matt and I currently live in SLC and have enjoyed all the outdoor fun to be had. In addition we are frequently visiting the East coast to see friends and family and hope to eventually move back, but for now, we are enjoying what Utah has to offer.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Spencer Clark
Greetings to all of you. It's amazing that it has been ten years now since we have all graduated from dear old Davis High School.
These last ten years for me have been busy just like everyone else. I served my mission in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have worked in many various job positions getting ideas of what I want to do with myself. I'm still active with my running. I have ran three marathons since high school St.George, Logan and Boston. I plan on running two more this summer. I met my wife Faith through my younger brother who attended EFY up at Weber St. She was my brothers counselor. Yes it was a blind date and you all know how blind dates are, awkward and uncomfortable at least for me. We both got to know each other pretty well and had fun playing twenty questions on the first date. Less than a year later we were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on May 26, 2006 and we are greatful to have one another. Then almost two years later on February 26, 2008 we were blessed to have a little baby girl who we named Aine. She is such a sweetheart and brings joy and happiness into our lives. We currently reside in downtown Salt Lake. I am currently going to school at LDS Business College. I am working towards my Associates degree in Business Information Technology. Other than that I am enjoying life with my family. Look forward to seeing you all in July.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Amy (Miller) Mahmood
10 years have went by way to fast and when I think of what that means in my life it amazes me. I finally have a few minutes to write this as I finish up my Saturday morning coffee before we start on our chores.
As I look back on the last 10 years I can remember illness, loss, divorce and sadness, but then I remember God is good and there was also love, laughter, friendship and happiness.
I married my husband Jeremy in July 2002 and, after 2 years of trying, he finally moved me out of Davis County and we made Herriman our home. We absolutely love raising our family, Devin (10) Cayden (6) Bryan (3) and Girl #1 due in June, and our two dogs, Toby (the Thousand Pound Beagle) and Chica (aka Vicious the Mutt) here and have no plans of leaving. In addition to helping raise our family I work at DeltaValve, an industrial valve manufacture in the Oil & Gas Industry, and my husband manages Eagle Finance and will be going back to school this fall. On the side we own a daycare in Riverton, which is our retirement plan.
Even though there are no LDS missions in our family, our life revolves around God and family. We are part of a church plant in Herriman and enjoy spending time fellowshipping with other members of our church and reaching out to the community.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Jacob Shapiro
After High school I hung out for a year before serving in the New York, New York North mission. I came home in June 2001, and married Becky Callahan (class of 97) in January 2002. We moved to Bountiful, I worked full time at a wood Mill, and attended Salt Lake Community College in Mechanical Engineering at night. In May 2004 our son Logan was born. We moved a lot, but stayed in Bountiful. In 2005 I took a 3d class and loved it so much I changed majors at school to Computer Graphics, quit my job, and started drafting (for experience in architecture so I could increase my chances of getting hired at a firm). After 8 months I started working at Bowen Studios as a Architectural Illustrator (if you want to, check out our website In 2007 we moved to our house in Centerville, I finished school and was promoted to Project Manager. In October our daughter Hope joined the family, and now we are just enjoying life.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Kent & Maria (Watkins) Phippen
I guess after months of perusing everyone else's blogs and bios, it is finally our turn, however we prefer reading the spotlights, rather than being in them!
> Maria and I, like so many other 98 grads, got married after I returned home from my mission to Geneva Switzerland. (Thanks to my persistence I might add…Maria did try to 'Dear John' me on two occasions.) About one week after we were married we boxed up all our wedding stuff and moved to London where Maria was finishing her final year at the Royal Academy of Music. I was fortunate to go along for the ride! Maria had already spent 3 years there at school and 1 year in Prague with her parents who were serving as mission presidents. While Maria was studying I worked for a healthcare company based in Windsor and I absolutely loved it! London was good to us and to this day Maria still says that she has to go to the 'loo', not the bathroom.
> We moved back to Utah after Maria graduated and did various things over the next couple years. I started school back up at the University of Utah majoring in Finance, no wait, Business Admin, hold on a sec, Business Mgt, and a final change to Entrepreneurship. Ultimately I just want to work for myself. I finally just graduated this last fall….yep it only took me 10 years! The line from Tommy Boy comes shouting back here…so what took so long? In the meantime we had 2 beautiful girls. Emma who is now 3 and Claire who is 18 months. They definitely keep us on our toes! I worked full time initially for Infinity Mortgage Company doing Marketing, then moved into the real estate development world for a couple years, and now have finally decided that I ought to use that new degree and go out on my own. I'll be opening Go Motors next week. Maria started teaching immediately when we got back from London and her studio has grown like crazy over the years. She teaches about 30 students out of our home and we feel lucky that she can do that while still having the girls close by. When she's not teaching she's gigging around town….you may catch her at Pioneer Memorial, at Ballet West, or on an occasional Music and the Spoken Word. I'm just trying to keep up with her and the other 4 children we have – the harps! We now live in Farmington and have for about 4 years. We love it here and enjoy bumping into other classmates often…(even if we don't always remember their names!)
> We're excited for the reunion and can't wait to see everyone!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Chris & Annie (Miya) Williams
Chris and I have now been together for over a decade. It's crazy how old we are getting! During our senior year of high school we attended WSU. I graduated with a BS in English/Art Teaching in 2001, and an MEd in 2005; Chris graduated with a BFA in 2002. I am finishing up my sixth year as a junior high English teacher (at Syracuse Jr. High), and Chris currently works as a stock broker for Fidelity Investments.
We have lived in Syracuse for the last five years. We've been working hard, playing hard, and loving life with our beautiful 18 month old daughter, Maiki.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Davis High Class of '98 Now!
Joy (Wilson) Boaz
I can't believe it has been 10 years. Well, since graduating from Dear old Davis High I received my Dental Assisting diploma and worked in a Dental office in Farmington. I attended Weber and also worked part time at Oakridge Country Club where I met My Husband Aaron Boaz. We dated for almost 2 years and were finally married October 2001. Aaron had a daughter from a previous marriage and so I was instant mommy which I loved. Aaron was finishing his nursing degree at Weber and in January of 2003 we had our first son Luke. Two years later we had our second son Zachary. They are so fun and I am lucky enough to stay home and take care of the rugrats. Aaron is a rep for a Pace Maker company. We live I Syracuse and are loving life. I can't wait to reunite with all of you this summer.
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