Monday, April 14, 2008

Davis High Class of '98 Now!

Angela (Peterson) Dayton
Wow! It's amazing how fast time flies. To sum up the past 10 years in one paragraph is difficult. First, I want to say how fun it was to read through all of your posts and see your pictures. I'm impressed and touched by how family oriented everyone is. I'm also amazed at how children resemble their parents. It is fun to see what you must have looked like when you were little.

After high school, I attended Weber State University graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1999 and then went to Utah State University and graduated with a master's degree in 2000. After two long years of schooling and waiting for my missionary (John Dayton), we were married in December 2000. Luckily, I had my degrees so I was able to be his "sugar mamma" (his words, not mine) working for Morgan Stanley as the Communications and Training Coordinator while he pursued his Neroscience degree from BYU. We moved to Washington, DC in 2001 and lived in the Nation's Capital for four years while John attended George Washington University's School of Medicine. During that time, I managed President Bush's High-Growth Job Training Initiative and wrote a book and curriculum that teach the skills needed to be successful in the 21st century workplace.

In May 2005, we had our adorable daughter, Allison. She is an amazing girl and so fun to be around. She makes every day exciting! In November 2007, our son, Christian, was born weighing 9lbs 11oz and has been in the 90th percentile for size ever since. He is always pleasant and came home from the hospital sleeping through the night.

Staying home with my children is extremely rewarding, but I still do a little consulting and speaking while John finishes his residency in Emergency Medicine. We hope to move back to Utah in 2009. More than likely we'll be in Utah Valley or South Salt Lake so any insight anyone has on where to live in those areas would be great.

As we read your posts, my husband couldn't help but comment on how impressed he was by all of you. We feel bad that we'll be missing the reunion this year, but I feel privileged to have gone to school with you and can't wait to connect with you in the future.

One last note --- so John and I just had a sad realization that we don't have one "good" family picture. Apparently, that needs to be on our "to do" list, so you'll have just endure the subpar pictures we do have on our blog. :)

1 comment:

Allie and Reed said...

Hey Ang, holy cow, you've been a busy girl! I'm excited that you will be coming back here soon. Tell John that Intermountain Medical Center is a fantastic trauma I center with a ton of craziness. If he's in Emergency medicine, I'm guessing he likes that kind of stuff. The doctors are great and the nurses even better. Hope to see you soon!