Monday, November 5, 2007

The Davis High Class of 98 Now!

Brad Garber currently resides in the Dallas, Texas area with his wife Kathryn and their two boys Logan (2 years) and Pearce (2 months). Texas is actually the 3rd state Brad and Kathryn have lived in since they were married 3 years ago. They've now lived in the northeast and the deep south, but they just bought a house in Texas, so it's likely they'll be there for a good long while. Work brought them to Texas. Brad is working as a pseudo-consultant for an IT and engineering services firm. Kathryn stays home with the kids and is working on a business degree on the side. Logan loves books and hiking, but he's not too sure about how he feels about his new little brother. Pearce loves keeping his parents up at night. The entire Garber family is doing well and would love to send a "howdy" and a "yee-haw" out to all Brad's friends and classmates from dear old Davis High School.

1 comment:

Derek and Tara Larsen said...

Hey Brad, Just wanted to say hey, and let you know that whenever I remember Debate I think of you and how your humor made it tolerable! Great to see you're doing good!
Tara Mayhue Larsen